On 19 January 2017 at 16:30, Kornel Benko <kor...@lyx.org> wrote:

> > # Change directory to folder with cloned LyX repository
> Clone is not needed normally iff used only by cmake.

The cloning is automatically done by the CI server / CI job, pulling the
latest changes from git.lyx.org.

> This will build LyX and only then do 'make package_source'.  Anything else
> > that should be in there?
> On ubuntu I use 'make package' to build everything.
> E.g.
>         #cmake .. $CMAKE_OPTS && make package && make package_source
I don't actually know what these options do, but the CI job is now using
them. To be specific, this is the script that's being run to build:



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