Dear Uwe, dear Jean-Marc, dear LyX developers,

On 2017-05-02, Uwe Stöhr wrote:
> El 02.05.2017 a las 17:02, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes escribió:

>> 1/ understand, for the various languages and packages implementing these 
>> languages what are the cases where the default is to put the number on 
>> the left. I have identified one, there are probably others.

>> 2/ see whether LyX can have this knowledge (e.g. using a new tag in the 
>> language file).

>> 3/ when the situation is clear, I can implement on-screen visualization.

It would be an enhancement if LyX "native screen rendering" (without
instant preview) made this right for RTL languages.
We can, however, implement correct "leqno"-support without this, as ...

> - leqno puts the formula number ALWAYS on the left side. This is clearly 
> stated in the AMS manuals and also in the LaTeX companion 2nd edition.

I think, we can safely assume that with "leqno", there is no numbering on
the right side.

OTOH, the *default* is not always right. Left numbering is the default in
"some special classes", but also for (at least some) RTL languages.

> So I would like to keep it as it is:
> - LyX supports to switch the numbering side from the default right side 
> to the left.
> - if a user uses a special class using as default left numbering he 
> knows if overriding this makes sense or not. LyX leaves such a very 
> special case tho the user.

I can live without native "reqno" support. However, I cannot live with the
current GUI interface:

The drop-down box

  Fromula numbering  [Right]
                     [Left ]

is misleading (it is "default" vs. "left"). We know its wrong for RTL
languages and some classes.

Why not:
  [ ] Place equation numbers left.

? (Where do we toggle equation/formula numbering and how is it called?)



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