On 2017-05-03, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> Le 02/05/2017 à 23:02, Uwe Stöhr a écrit :


> To state it again: the number may be on the left without leqno. Do we 
> want to provide a way to set it on the right in such cases?
> or flat out admit that we do not care if Arabic users have a
> misleading UI.

as well as the users of the AMS article and book document classes supported
by LyX.

>> So I would like to keep it as it is:
>> - LyX supports to switch the numbering side from the default right side
>> to the left.
>> - if a user uses a special class using as default left numbering he
>> knows if overriding this makes sense or not. LyX leaves such a very
>> special case tho the user.

> This is half-baked, IMO. Either it is super important to have a 
> click-click interface instead of writing leqno in a text field in 
> Document Settings, or it is not. But I don't care that much and I will 
> do my part of the deal when the dust settles.

Without vetoing any decision: my preference is:

a) No special support for leqno and reqno. 
   Users can easily specify this in the custom document options.

b) Support both, leqno and reqno. Properly.
   With feedback in the GUI and correct LyXHTML export.

   Document>Settings>Math Options:
   Equation numbers: [default]
                     [left   ]
                     [right  ]

I will not veto a half-support (leaving out reqno), but expect a bug
report for full support if half-support ends in 2.3.

Regarding the naming: 

A search for "formula number" reveals hits like
  Formula: Number of additionals / Article with additional quantity

  Excel Formula - Number within range..
  The Natural Remedy Bible 
  FORMULA NUMBER 87: Stinging Nettles Freeze Dried
but also  
  How do I number my equations? - Apache OpenOffice Wiki
OTOH, searching for "equation number" finds

  Equation Numbering in Office 2016 
  Numbering Equations (Microsoft Word)
  Show equation number only once in align environment - TeX - LaTeX 

Also, there are 543 results for »"formula number" stackexchange« but
93.900 results for »"equation number" stackexchange«.

In LyX, the menu entry is "numbered formula". OTOH, when tagging the
default prefix is "eq:".


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