El 03.05.2017 a las 12:05, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes escribió:

To state it again: the number may be on the left without leqno. Do we want to provide a way to set it on the right in such cases?

I wrote in my last mail why I wouldn't do this. If others think different then fine by me if we support reqno as well.

In the example that I provided, the number was in Arabo-Indic.

I again missed things from you. Could you please resend the example? In which post have you sent it? (Maybe I need to check my list reading software that it doesn't swallow attachments).

So you are telling me that, when you use plain babel (TeX fonts) and arabic language, without any fancy leqno option, you do not see that the number is on the left without asking for it??? I am surprised.

I don't understand. Yes, without the option leqno I always get the numbers on the right side.

No, this is Arabic text at least for some Arabic support packages. I do not know the full list, I do not know Arabic. I am just pointing out that it is wrong to assume that standard classes always have numbering on the right.

I did not say this. I said that this is the default setting of LaTeX. I discussed the case when classes changes the default.

So either you have a look at it, or flat out admit that we do not care if Arabic users have a misleading UI.

But I did and reported that I always get it in the right side (using \documentclass article or scrartcl). I still don't get your point. leqno leads to left side numbering. If the special document class or a package already places the number on the left side, then leqno does nothing.

This is half-baked, IMO. Either it is super important to have a click-click interface instead of writing leqno in a text field in Document Settings, or it is not.

This is not half-baked in my opinion. Supporting reqno requires an explicit call of amsmath. Moreover document classes that already don't use the default placement have a special reason to do so. I think we should distinguish between standard classes (all I know use right numbering as default) that can be used for texts you can design freely, and document classes for journals that are designed to follow publishing guidelines. With these journal classes the user is not allowed to format freely. Therefore I don't want to offer an option that would overwrite a setting that was most probably set to follow a submission guideline.

However, as I wrote above, I can understand if somebody has another opinion and thinks that my approach to distinguish document classes not suitable. If so I of course support to add also support for reqno.

So please fell free to ad support reqno if others agree.

thanks and regards

p.s. I might not be able to code the next days.

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