Am 11.09.2017 um 14:12 schrieb Pavel Sanda <>:
> Stephan Witt wrote:
>> What can I do to convert the LyX documents containing inset-info instances 
>> without ImageMagick?
>> ATM, LyX seems to have a hard dependency on the ImageMagick tools. On a Mac 
>> this implies the installation of MacPorts of HomeBrew to get it. To do so 
>> one has to install Xcode from Apple. That???s a big hurdle and I???d like to 
>> avoid it and stick to the available command line tools.
> The inset-info is just symptom of much bigger problem - without ImageMagick 
> lot of LyX capabilities with graphics is gone and we should strive to have it 
> installed by default with lyx. Until this is solved, svgz in inset info is 
> just tiny issue compared to much bigger one...
> If it's not easily possible we should at least make clear to newcomers that 
> lyx without tex & imagemagick will have lot of problems.

LyX without TeX is a problem. This can be solved by a newcomer by installing 
MacTeX. Easy.
LyX without ImageMagick shouldn’t be a problem for a user who is working with 
PNG, EPS and PDF images only, IMHO.

To install ImageMagick on a Mac you have to install Xcode and MacPorts (or 
HoweBrew) and use the terminal to get a running ImageMagick.

What is the fundamental problem I have without ImageMagick? What graphics 
capabilities of LyX do you refer to?


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