Den 13. sep. 2017 03:29, skrev Scott Kostyshak:
It actually amazes me how few people care about including bitmaps
graphics in their final meant-for-publication drafts. I wonder if I am
the only one that is annoyed when I am reading a PDF and see a bitmap
that should be a vector graphic.
I certainly care. Vector graphics should stay in vector form all the way, if at all possible. It is good being able to zoom 400% into some PDF detail and still have smooth detail everywhere.

Many people seem not to care because they have no idea how these things works. Gnuplot makes a nice-looking plot that they can include in their article - and get a nice-looking print/pdf. They may not know what "vector graphichs" is, but they want good-looking output in all cases!

I think we should strive to not downconvert into bitmaps of dubious resolution. Those that understand cares. And for the rest, we want LyX to be the tool that "just works" and always makes good output that stand up to magnification.

Helge Hafting

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