On 2018-01-22, Kornel Benko wrote:

> Thanks to Günter, the ligature-problem is gone.

Unfortunately, the ligature-problem is not completely gone, just the
tests pass.

> I expanded the lyx2lyx test so, the an error is emitted at 10th
> repeated run to export lyx16x.

> If two consecutive created lyx-files are identical, the test stops
> without error. if a created lyx-file is not loadable, test stops with
> error.

Could you post (or mail me, if it is too large) a list of the
tests that fail with the 10th round-trip?

> Now, for example, export/doc/nb/Tutorial_lyx16 adds at each run following
> data to the created lyx-file.

>> % Added by lyx2lyx
>> %  for proper underlining
>> \PassOptionsToPackage{normalem}{ulem}
>> \usepackage{ulem}
>> \let\cite@rig\cite
>> \newcommand{\b@xcite}[2][\%]{\def\def@pt{\%}\def\pas@pt{#1}
>>   \mbox{\ifx\def@pt\pas@pt\cite@rig{#2}\else\cite@rig[#1]{#2}\fi}}
>> \renewcommand{\underbar}[1]{{\let\cite\b@xcite\uline{#1}}}

> Though this creates loadable file, it is no longer compilable.
> Pdf-exporting such a file.

>       ! LaTeX Error: Command \b@xcite already defined.
>                      Or name \end... illegal, see p.192 of the manual.

Yes, I realized this when exploring the UserGuide_lyx16 error.
I will have a look into this and similar round-trip issues.
Hopefully, we can reduce the maximum number of round-trips for most documents.


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