On Wed, Jun 06, 2018 at 04:42:56AM +0000, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:

> I just don't have
> enough motivation to figure it out.

It is amazing you have done so much already on this issue.

> Longer term, I think we all agree we
> need to disentangle the Windows installer from other software, as best
> we can, so it would be a short-term benefit.

Good point.

> PS Uwe apparently got quite upset when I question whether "it was wise"
> to do a certain thing. I want to say (not to you, Scott, but to possible
> others) that this is an English idiom. "I'm not sure if it's wise to do
> such-and-such" just means: I'm not sure if it's a good idea to do
> such-and-such, i.e.: Are you really sure you want to do such-and-such?
> It has nothing to do with questioning someone's intelligence or
> judgement, in a general way. I sometimes forget these kinds of
> linguistic subtleties.

I've been bitten by similar misunderstandings.


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