On 5/3/22 11:27, Thibaut Cuvelier wrote:
On Tue, 3 May 2022 at 17:19, Richard Kimberly Heck <rikih...@lyx.org> wrote:

    Hi, all,

    Sorry for disappearing there for a while. I had some difficult
    circumstances and an incredibly busy semester and just had to
    from everything else until things settled down. Which they now have.

Welcome back :)!

    Where are things with respect to LyX 2.4.0? I'm happy to resume my
    as release manager for that project, if that's still required.

There's one (big) question for 2.4: should we include Jürgen's latest changes for indices? I'm still working on the XHTML part, with a quite large refactoring at the same time to make the code (much) easier to understand.

I guess others should chime in on this. Can someone describe for me what these changes have involved?

FWIW, I've been using the master branch for daily work for some time and have not run into any new major issues. A few small things with line breaking, but they're hard to reproduce. I think one invovled a quotation mark that stayed at the end of the previous line, similar to another bug I reported.

The one larger problem is one I've also reported but never been able to reproduce reliably. I'll have another try and report on it later. The basic problem is that I get compilation errors if I continue editing while the document is compiling. It appears to me that generated files are wrongly being deleted by the main thread while the background thread is working. The error message usually concerns missing citations, because the generated bibliography files have gone missing.


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