On 2023-10-13 16:37, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
Am Freitag, dem 13.10.2023 um 16:27 +0200 schrieb Daniel:
It seems to have a not unusual length as compared to Writer and Word.

which have both a horrible UI. I regularly get lost in the
intransparent structure when using either of these apps.

However, I have noticed that LyX does have rather few main menus:

LyX: 8
Word: 9
Pages: 9
Writer: 11

So, creating a new menu might be a way to have it all.

It also needs to make sense. "Insert" is hard to split sensibly.

I agree that the menus of these apps are complex. But that might be in their nature. I guess the Ribbon was a (maybe controversial) attempt to solve this problem. But I think LyX with its hidden menus is actually worse to figure out. I am still discovering (otherwise) hidden menu entries and I have been using LyX for quite some time now.

If it is really necessary to cut down on menu entries in the "Insert" menu when disabled entries get enabled: For example, create a separate "References" menu.


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