On Thu, Jul 19, 2001 at 09:21:51AM +0200, Juergen Vigna wrote:

> On 18-Jul-2001 Mike Ressler wrote:
> > This is not a stunning example of WYSIWYM. Please, please, (Lars?) change
> > the appearance back to the old behavior!!!
> I don't think this will happen. What will happen is that we will change
> the InsetERT to be inlined. What will NOT happen is that a inlined ERT
> inset breaks row, so this is really thought only for short stuff!

can't you un-inline the ert inset automagically when it extends beyond the right margin
of the workarea ?


"Voodoo Programming:  Things programmers do that they know shouldn't work but
 they try anyway, and which sometimes actually work, such as recompiling
        - Karl Lehenbauer

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