Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>>>> "R" == R Lahaye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> R> Hi,
> R> I thought it'll be useful to have an option
> R>    lyx -version (or: lyx --version )
> R> that will tell appropriate information on the
> R> system/build/compilation. This is very useful when reporting bug
> R> reports; once as executable, it is not so easy to find out how it
> R> was generated.
> Looks like an excellent idea. A simpler solution would probably be to
> generate this data in a file that would be installed along with LyX.
> This way the information would be available even when LyX cannot be
> launched.

I then would opt for both: allow a version flag to the lyx executable
and generate a file or script ("lyx-config") with the version info.

Many software handles a "-version" (and/or "--version") flag, so I
thought it'll be useful to add this to LyX as well. For software under
development this flag should output all necessary info for the developers.
This output added to a bug report, could be most helpful.


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