
I thought it'll be useful to have an option

   lyx -version  (or: lyx --version )

that will tell appropriate information on the system/build/compilation.
This is very useful when reporting bug reports; once as executable, it
is not so easy to find out how it was generated.

Currently I have added this version and build info to my CVS-version,
which outputs on my PC:

$ lyx -version
LyX 1.2.0cvs of Thu, Jan 11, 2001
FreeBSD 4.3-RELEASE i386

| C CFlags:      gcc (2.95.3)  -g -O2
| C++ Flags:     g++ (2.95.3)  -g -O -fno-exceptions -W -Wall
| Special flags:  frontend-xforms warnings included-libsigc assertions
| LD Flags:      
| Build time: Jul 19 2001 18:49:41

| GUI lib : xforms/libxforms.la
| LD flags: 
| Includes: 
| Libs:     

I realize that this is not yet the most useful output, but it might be
a setup to what it should become after the necessary improvements to
lyx-devel/configure.in (currently around line 300).
If this is considered to be a useful addition, please apply
the attached patch. The following files are patched therein:

lyx-devel/acconfig.h : "#undef BUILD_INFO" added
lyx-devel/configure.in : build/version output added
lyx-devel/lyx.man : "-version" described
lyx-devel/src/lyx_main.C : "-version flag" described and added

The main output part is in configure.in, and that needs some more
tweeking to improve the quality of the output (some of which I don't
know how to produce, e.g. FrontEnd version/XForms version).



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