Lars Gullik BjÃnnes ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> I'd say that a C++ toolkit is "more natural", other than that it
> really doesn't matter...

One more point. Although I know that the choice of GUI toolkit is evoking
religious war, I'm just thinking that at the present moment there  are (maybe)
separate endeavours for each port (are they?), while wxWidgets can (in theory)
provide port(s) for three platforms with native widgets on each.

However, I don't want to push LyX developers in something which they do not
consider as a fun :-)

Thank You for your efforts and providing present LyX (which is enough for me :-)


Gour                    | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Registered Linux User   | #278493
GPG Public Key          | 8C44EDCD

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