>>>>> "Abdel" == Abdel  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Abdel> Nice. Paris?


Abdel> Except for the flickering, typing is fine. It is very quick for
Abdel> me, no slowness at all, even for big paragraph.

This is good. The problem is primarily on OSX.

Abdel> 6) I am not much a toolbar user but I think the icons for
Abdel> "insert figure float" and "insert graphics" should be
Abdel> different. Same for the table float.
>> How would you improve them?

Abdel> Maybe a small 'fig:' in italic below a reduced graphic icon?
Abdel> And a 'tab:' below the a reduced tab icon?

I am not sure it would convey the meaning better. Actually Figure
Float is a difficult concept to convey.

Abdel> Hum, I am not willing to change my document class, I want to
Abdel> keep using latex. There is a latex2xml thing but it the
Abdel> resulting Xml is not as structured as the lyx document. IMO,
Abdel> the exported XML should reflect the structure of the document
Abdel> as lyx knows it. Then, this XML could be used for a number of
Abdel> thing: Database import, XSLT transformation (doxygen,
Abdel> openoffice, xhtml, etc). You know what I mean?

I am not sure what the solutions today are (I know nothing about xml).
All I can say is that the switch to xml as lyx format is supposed to
happen in 1.6 (1.5 is for unicode).


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