Abdel wrote:

Hum I beg to differ here, the linking stage is very heavy with 'enable-debug', I will try with

I know. But these settings (taken from my compilation instructions) should improve the situation:

==> set CXXFLAGS=-gstabs (reduces debug symbol size)

./configure ... --enable-optimization --disable-pch --disable-stdlib-debug --enable-concept-checks

Setting CXXFLAGS to -gstabs before you invoke configure is most important! Enable optimization, otherwise the code size and the linking times increase significantly. Moreover, you have to disable precompiled headers (pch) because they don't work correctly. I am not sure about the impact of concept-checks. AFAICS, they don't hurt.

Of course, if you disable debugging, the linking times should be much smaller.

I think my problems come from my cvs client. I suspect it converts text files to dos format.

There are daily snapshots of LyX available on Kayvan's ftp server. But I don't remember the exact URL.

HTH, Michael

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