Uwe Stöhr wrote:

>  > I use TeXLive2005 and path to latex.exe is in PATH variable.
>  > After run LyXWin137preSmall-0-6.exe appear a message:
>  > No LaTeX-distribution could be found!...
> Hmm, not good but I cannot reproduce it. My TeXLive2005 doesn't write things to the PATH variable. But anyway could you please send me your complete PATH?

My variables:

> The code you mention is for TeXLive2004. For TeXLive2005 this code is used:
>    ReadRegStr $String HKCU "Environment" "Path"
>    StrCpy $Search "texlive"
>    StrCpy $2 "TeXLive"

It's same wrong way.
For TL2005 and TL2004 (if used tlpmgui for install) installer should check whether variable TLroot exist. Then path to latex.exe is %TLroot%\bin\win32
My proposition to recognize TL2005 (and TL2004 installed by tlpmgui):
   ReadRegStr $String HKCU "Environment" "Path"
   ReadRegStr $tlroot HKCU "Environment" "TLroot"
   StrCpy $Search $tlroot
   StrCpy $2 "TeXLive"
   Call LaTeXCheck

>  > TeXLive2003 had own installer, TeXLive2004 hadn't windows installer,
>  > but later appear native windows installer: tlpm.exe (text mode) +
>  > tlpmgui.exe...
>  > Several edition of TeXLive have different variables: TEXMF, TEXMFMAIN
> This is one of the reasons why I can't give support for TeXLive. The

Probably TL2006 will use tlpmgui for windows too. that variable TLroot will available.

> distribution is changed massively every year. To avoid these troubles I recommend to use the network version of my installer.

Network installation working fine.

> BUT!: As I wrote in my announcement for version 0.6 of my installer:
> I tried to use TeXLive together with my LyX installer but failed.

For me network version of lyxwininstaller working without problems.
I compiled into pdf several big documents (almost 200 pages with pictures) without errors.

> - TeXLive comes with its own (very old) Ghostscript version 7.07, that is incompatible with the version 8.x that is used in my installer. To avoid this problem, install TeXLive without Ghostscript or delete the folder ~\etc\Ghostscript in LyX's install directory and delete its path in LyX preferences.

Or uninstall from TL

> - I found also incompatibilities in the programs dt2dv and dv2dt, that are used by LyX for the DVI-output. I don't know how to fix this.

LyX 1.3.7pre6 exports to dvi simple documents without errors.

> - TeXLive don't have the program "epstopdf" so that you have to redefine the EPS -> PDF converter in LyX using the program "ps2pdf".

Better way is uninstall gs from TL, for avoid problems with gs.

> These problems and possibly more implies that I don't give support that LyXWin works together with TeXLive.

I expect only chance to use TeXLive when I install in other directory instead default.

> I bought the official TeXLive2005 DVD and fiddled aroud for three days after I gave up to get it to work properly. I focus now on the MiKTeX distribution.

I suggested only way to improve recognize of TeXLive, nothing more.

best regards
  Tomasz Łuczak

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