On 04/27/2016 12:48 AM, Isam Alobaidi wrote:
I faced a problem with the LyX, I wonder if you can help me with it. I
am writing my thesis by LyX but the university enforce me to
use their temple that written in LaTeX.
I have no idea how I can connect them together and use the temple in LyX
in an other word how to make a given LaTeX template compatible with my
LyX file?

Dear Isam,
Can you show us the template they want you to use? Is there a .cls or .sty file in it? Most of the templates are based on some standard classes, and this should be as easy as http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/305410/help-installing-document-class-for-lyx-on-mac-unsure-on-where-to-start/305760#305760

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