Make sure that this dog does not claim that Babe Ruth was the greatest baseball player of all time.

On 02/16/2018 08:26 AM, Steve Litt wrote:

On Fri, 16 Feb 2018 02:49:59 -0800
Daniel Kian Mc Kiernan <> wrote:

[I don't know why this person posts this query repeatedly, without
apparently reading any of the responses.  I have CC'd this message to
him, but his handler or server may be configured such that everything
is going into the spam bucket.]

Same reason a dog runs to get a thrown ball, and brings it back to you,
time after time. I was telling one of my buddies how dumb dogs are:
They will keep bringing the ball back forever, as long as you keep
throwing it.

Then one day I overheard my dog talking to the next door neighbor's
dog. My dog said "I can't believe how dumb humans are:  They'll keep
throwing that ball forever as long as I bring it back."


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