On Thu, 31 May 2018 07:49:01 -0700
John White <j...@whitelawchartered.com> wrote:

> On Thursday, May 31, 2018 6:58:43 AM PDT Rich Shepard wrote:
> > On Wed, 30 May 2018, John White wrote:  
> > > lawlist was kind enough to send me the code which, he says,
> > > produses a table of contents and list of authorties in latex,
> > > using pdflatex. But it does not work in lyx. Do you have a
> > > suggestion regarding how I could get TOC and indexes to work in
> > > lyx documents which have numbered lines along the left-hand side
> > > of the paper? It is apparently not an easy thing to do. Yet every
> > > lawyer who uses lyx to produce a brief with indexes and a table
> > > of contents needs this function.  
> > 
> > John,
> > 
> >    I'm far from a LaTeX expert, nor do I know how LyX might differ
> > from the LaTeX verson of the class. I don't know how to look at the
> > source to figure out why it's not working for you.
> > 
> >    My suggestion is to post the code as an attachment to the mail
> > list and ask the devs and other LaTeX-perts if they could make it
> > work as you (and other attorneys need it to) with LyX. Seems to me
> > that would be a reasonable request and a useful extension to LyX's
> > capabilities. CTAN shows 16 packages for legal documents, but all
> > in Europe.
> > 
> > Best regards,
> > 
> > Rich  
> Would the Devs and other lyx/LaTeX experts please take a look at the
> attached code.  Though I know little about LaTeX, I am told by
> lawlist that it works fine with pdflatex, generating pleading paper
> numbered along the left side, plus a table of authorities.  
> And the same code works fine in a new blank lyx document.  However,
> as soon as I try to insert an index list in lyx 2.2.2, it blows up.
> It would be most appreciated if the code could be altered so that it
> a lyx document could print lined pleading paper AND a table of
> contents and index list.
> I am also attaching the pleadingpapercode I normally use.  It works
> fine and prints the TOC and inserting an index list does not blow it
> up.  However, actually indexing (insert/index entry) blows it up.
> Thanks for assistance or suggestions.
> John 

Hi John,

If you can do it in LaTeX, why not author your pleadings in LaTeX? Is
the problem that people with less technical chops than you will be
typing in the content of the pleadings?

LyX is spectacular for writing books, but there are some usages better
addressed by LaTeX, or even Plain TeX, or Asciidoc or Stylz or who
knows what.


Steve Litt 
June 2018 featured book: Twenty Eight Tales of Troubleshooting

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