I'm using LyX 2.2.3, and I found that theorem names, such as theorem, case,
remark, in Chinese are not shown correctly. For example, I have a .lyx file
with content

> 定理 1. 一二三四五
> 案例 1. 六七八九十
> 備註 2. 十一時二十三
in which 定理 is the Theorem environment, 案例 is the Case environment, and 備註
is the Remark environment. But after export to pdf (via pdflatex) it's
shown as

> åőŽçŘĘ 1. 一二三四五
> æąĹä¿Ń 1. 六七八九十
> åĆŹèĺż 2. 十一時二十三
Only theorem names are garbled, but other Chinese words are normal.  In
Document settings, I've set CJK font to *bsmi*, language to *Chinese
(traditional)*, and encoding to *Unicode (CJK) (utf8)*. The original LyX
file is here

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