On Sun, 25 Aug 2019, Dr Eberhard Lisse wrote:

You don't need to change the reference format.


Actually, I do; at least the style as used by the LyX bibliography. Reading
the .bst files I saw that the authordate[1-4] follow the Chicago Manual of
Style, 13th Ed. (I have the 15th edition which I used for the references in
my book.) So I looked at the chicagoa.bst and saw that it, too, has the
format I want so I changed the style to that and the deprecated font names
went away.

Thanks very much to pushing me to look at the style settings. Now I wonder
if there's a pdf or web page that shows how each style looks. That would be
a handy reference.

Enjoy your holiday and lentil soup (do you add sausage to it?)

Best regards,


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