
I'll share a complete example

Sent from Dr Lisse’s iPhone
On 23. Sep 2021, 17:43 +0200, John White <>, wrote:
> On Thursday, September 23, 2021 4:25:57 AM PDT Dr Eberhard Lisse wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have hacked me a Stamp in LaTeX which works very well in the Koma
> > Letter (by way of putting it in LyX's preamble.
> >
> > The stamp gets placed next to the signature block, slightly randomly
> > placed, then slightly randomly rotated and by way of some roation of the
> > frame achieving a realistic look (smudged corners). I wrote an article
> > about this in the German TeX Usergroup's Die Technische Kommödie 2/2017.
> >
> > I use the \ISOtoday ERT from Koma Script's scrdate package.
> >
> >
> > I do not remember whether I have asked this before, and I have looked,
> > but is there a way of using the date that Lyx uses in the blue Date:
> > field? So that if I put a fixed date in the letter, the same should
> > appear in the stamp (i.e. I do not want to have today's stamp on
> > yesterday's letter :-)-O
> >
> > greetings, el
> >
> >
> > PS: In case someone is interested, here is what I use in my Practice,
> > copy and paste into the preamble:
> >
> > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> > % You can do whatever you want with this, other than bothering us but
> > % if you make money from it, you must send us some.
> > %
> > % Copyright, -wrong -left, and -center 2017, 2021 SPF Lisse Private
> > % Family Foundation
> > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> > %% LUA: Winkel des Gesamtstempels -- willk\"{u}rlich
> > %% zwischen -5 und +5 Grad -- bei jedem Dokument anders
> > \usepackage{luacode}
> > \newcommand\rot{\directlua{tex.sprint(math.random(-5,5))}}
> >
> >
> > \usepackage{tikz}
> > \usepackage{xpatch}
> >
> > %% XCOLOR: Farbdefinitionen
> > \definecolor{stampink}{RGB}{122 150 165}
> >
> > %% LATEX: Individuelle Definitionen f\"{u}r den Stempel
> > %% (Formatierung Gr\"{o}{\ss}e und Schriftstil)
> > %%
> > \newcommand\myStampName{Dr Eberhard W Lisse}
> > \newcommand\myStampProf{Obstetrician \& Gynecologist}
> > \newcommand\myStampPO{PO Box 8421 Bachbrecht}
> > \newcommand\myStampNo{016-000-0141135}
> >
> > \newcommand\myStampArrangement{%
> > \setsansfont{Linux Biolinum O}
> > \parbox{3cm}{%
> > \centering\sffamily
> > \footnotesize\myStampName\\
> > \tiny\myStampProf\\
> > \scriptsize\myStampPO\\
> > \myStampNo\\
> > \footnotesize\ISOToday
> > }
> > \setsansfont{IBM Plex Sans}
> > }
> >
> > %% TIKZ: Laden notwendiger Styles
> > \usetikzlibrary{fit}
> >
> > %% Erstellen eines Befehls f\"{u}r den Stempel in einer
> > %% Gr\"{o}{\ss}e von 6 cm x 3 cm skaliert
> > \newcommand\Stamper{%
> > \resizebox{8cm}{3cm}{%
> > \begin{tikzpicture}
> > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> > %%
> > %% TIKZ: Setzen der linken unteren und rechten oberen Ecke
> > %% des Rechtecks
> > \coordinate (dm1) at (0,0);
> > \coordinate (dm2) at (2.6,1.4);
> > %%
> > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> > %% TIKZ: Schleife f\"{u}r drei Winkel
> > %%
> > \foreach \r in {-0.9,0,0.9}{%
> > %%
> > %% TIKZ: Rahmmen des Stempels: Rechteck, Farbe=stampink,
> > %% Transparenz=0.4,Linienst\"{a}rke des Rahmens=1pt und
> > einen %% Knoten namens (bx4) definieren
> > %%
> > \node[rectangle,draw,stampink,opacity=.4,line width=1.2pt,
> > rotate=\r, rounded corners=1pt][fit=(dm1)(dm2)](bx4){};
> > %%
> > %% TIKZ: Stempeltext: Farbe=stampink, gedreht um den Winkel
> > \r %% mit Transparenz=0.4 in Knoten (bx4) gesetzt
> > %%
> > \node[stampink,rotate=\r,opacity=.4] at
> > (bx4){\myStampArrangement}; }
> > \end{tikzpicture}
> > }
> > }
> >
> > %% SCRLTTR2 & XPATCH: Erstellen einer neuen Variablen f\"{u}r den Brief
> > %% zur Positionierung des Stempels rechts von \closing
> > \newkomavar{rightbesidesignature}
> > \newlength{\normalparskip}
> > \xapptocmd{\closing}{%
> > \setlength{\normalparskip}{\parskip}%
> > \noindent\parbox[b][0pt]{\linewidth}{\raggedleft
> > \setlength{\parskip}{\normalparskip}%
> > \usekomavar{rightbesidesignature}\ifhmode\unskip\strut\fi
> > \vspace{-1.8\baselineskip}%
> > \vspace{\parskip}%
> > \vspace{\lineskip}%
> > }%
> > }{}{}
> >
> > %% SCRLTTR2: Einf\"{u}gen des Stempels mit der jeweiligen willk\"{u}rlichen
> > %% Gesamtdrehung \rot
> > %%
> > \setkomavar{rightbesidesignature}{\rotatebox[origin=c]{\rot}{\Stamper}}
> > %
> > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> > % Thanks to Peter Flynn, Markus Kohm and Juergen Gilg
> > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> Thanks Doc,
> I have marked this email "important" and "action item." When I get some time 
> I will try to figure it out. It prints your letterhead with some extraneous 
> code. Do not try to tell me how to fix it. I need to figure that out for 
> myself.
> Best,
> John
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