On 10/12/21 4:54 PM, Dr Eberhard Lisse wrote:


returns 89 results of which the first one


gives a hint at how to get a TexLive installed.

As it is Debian based, there are dummy packages for TexLive somewhere.


On 11/10/2021 21:50, UD K wrote:
This is punishment for using something called MX Linux, which has only
that antiquated version, without this needed feature.
Thanks, EL-- I shall check it out.  However, in the meantime I discovered that (as is often the case..) it was all my fault, and that "missing command" was hidden from me because the cursor was in the wrong place/environment.  Had I been designing Lyx, I would have left the commands but gray them out when they should not be used, but fortunately, I did not design Lyx.  It is possible that they were hidden for esthetic reasons, to eliminate clutter.

Ehud Kaplan, Ph.D.
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