> > If you have the data from some other application which allows
> > formatted printing, conditional predicates and sorting functions, this
> > kind of problem is readily solved by printing in a file the
> > latex or lyx code and the data as you want it
> > and inputting it in the document. It may be worth to write
> > a short piece of code in your favourite tool to do it.
> Definitely something to add to the 2.0 wishlist!  If LyX is going to be a 
> working tool for the average user, rather than just a convenient LaTeX 
> front-end for 'nix hackers, little features like sortable lists will make a 
> lot of difference.  I'm not advocating feature-bloat (if I want that, I can 
> download Star Office!) just a few bits and bobs to make life easier.

Isn't that a bit of overkill? I mean, it *is* something of a
feature-bloating to me... it can be done more or less easily:

1) with the *nix tools that everybody should know about (to live
a happier life under the Church of the True Light of Unix)

2) with some other tool like Gnumeric or StarOffice or whatever...

As an "average" user, I do not like the idea of having such a
feature cluttering menus and being used three times on a lifetime...

> (BTW, my dirty solution to the ordered table thing is to use a Gnumeric 
> spreadsheet then import it as EPS.)

See? Does not look that bad, but an even better solution would be
*other* feature: import .cvs files directly as tables. This seems a
better solution, as data are produced in your favorite spreadsheet,
exported as cvs and imported in LyX as tables.

This seems more reasonable (as a feature), but I have to admit that I
am against it for the same reasons as before...  :-)

j. b. 

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