Herbert Voss wrote:

>> \renewcommand{\chaptername}{Appendix}  inside the appendix (defined 
>> with the LyX menus Layout->Toggle Appendix) 

This was necessary because I used the titlesec package to mimic the 
koma-script lay-out and added some enhancements on the fly (like the option to 
have quotes on the part pages.

> this should be the default in latex
>> I also used \thispagestyle{empty} or \thispagestyle{plain} for some 
>> introductory material:
>> - a page with a dedication
>> - a page with the jury members (section*)
>> - the summary (chapter*)
>> - table of contents
>> - list of figures and list of tables (with forced pagebreaks). 
> use komascript classes. there you have different pages for title, 
> backtitle a.s.o.
> Makes life easier.

That's what I tried initially, but the koma-script classes clashed with other 
special classes that I wanted to include too (don't remember which ones 
exactly). I used the koma-script class for the cover page in a seperate LyX file.

> Herbert


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