Am 21.11.01, 11:19:26, schrieb Lindsey Bangay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> zum Thema 
Chapter numbering:

> I would like module to have a toc  and an index. If I do them as 2 
> books, then the second book starts at chp 1 not 6. {This should be easily
> done with a counter reset but I am not sure how to do this. 

Include in your LyX document in TeX mode


before the first chapter of part two. „n“ stands for the number of the 
chapter part two starts with _minus_one_, as chapter counter is 
incremented with each \chapter command in LaTeX. That is at least what 
Mr. Kopka, author of the German Bible for LaTeX, recommends.

> I have scanned
> Herberts site and the mail archives} If I do them as 2 parts then how do 
> get a toc and index for each module?

If you do the modules as two LyX docs each module in the end will be a 
seperate LaTeX document. I think this is the best way to achieve it.

Hope this helps.


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