Thanks for your help, to all of you.
I doubted too that changing the stack size would help, I did it as James 
suggested and it didnt help.
What I find more irritating is that LyX seems a pretty clean project, with 
many years of refinements. Why should this happen in some unmodified 
templates provided by the program?
Oh, but possibly it's just me? Can somebody tell me what happens to the rest 
of the world when compiling that template?



On Thursday 30 May 2002 12:47, you wrote:
> >>>>> "James" == James Vernon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> James> I'm no wizard, but this worked for me in a similar situation,
> James> so fingers crossed it might work for you too
> James> Change the input stack size by editing your texmf.cnf file.
> James> Mine is in /etc/texmf/texmf.cnf, but yours might be different.
> James> Look in that file for the line that says: stack_size=300
> Note that this error often comes from very different reasons. I would
> be surprised in this case that increasing capacity is the solution.
> JMarc

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