On Thu, 30 May 2002 14:12:09 +0200 (MEST) wrote Wayan 

> On 30 May 2002, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> > Note that this error often comes from very different reasons. I would
> > be surprised in this case that increasing capacity is the solution.

A very common reason {, e.g.  somewhere in the preamble
(remember, the braces in the main text are caref for by LyX, whereas
in the preamble you still need all your attention...

Do you have the LaTeX class, that belongs to the template??
Maybe some LaTeX command is redefined there...

(IMHO, templates that are made for non-standard LaTeX classes should
tell on a prominent place that they need class ... (and where to get it).
Actually, I'd like to have them in a directory different from the one that
gets opened with File>New_from_template (the one with
the templates that work out of the box).)



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