>>>>> "Andreas" == Andreas Busch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Andreas> However, problems occurred after a further step. I am
Andreas> currently preparing a major book manuscript for publication,
Andreas> and I wanted to check and compare the results of exporting it
Andreas> to pdf from each of the installed versions of LyX (because of
Andreas> the new handling of graphics formats). So I started up
Andreas> versions 1.1.6fix1 after having exported it with 1.2.1.

Andreas> When I restarted 1.2.1 after that, only one entry was left in
Andreas> the menubar (namely File -- normally, there are three
Andreas> entries: File, Edit and Help). Even after loading a file,
Andreas> only three entries appear in the menubar: File, Edit and
Andreas> Documents, and a number of the entries in the respective
Andreas> menues are missing. File, for example, only contains New...,
Andreas> Open..., Import and Exit.

This happens because 1.2.1 is not able to find its support files (in
${prefix}/share/lyx-1.2.1, probably). We need more information to
understand what happens.

Can you tell how you configured and installed each of the versions?

Also, what happens when you launch lyx 1.2.1 from the console with the
'-dbg init' switch?


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