Hi guys, 

I am trying to get lyx working on cygwin so that I can work on my
thesis from both linux and windows if I need to.

I first tried the tetex package distributed with cygwin. I works on
small files. If I throw my thesis on it, it just won't go. The errors
are something like "tex capacity exceeded....".

I then tried "pfTex" or TexLive. That's Windows native. I have big
trouble to get it work. First of all, it is missing many basic files
like setspace.sty. Also it has a strange koma-script package that needs
scrlfile.sty and it doesn't even have it. When I run reconfig from lyx
within the cygwin shell, I saw some errors.I am not sure if it is
possible to just drop in the lyx files from a linux system to expect
work in that environment. I have all my paths the unix-way, eg.

Can anyone give me advice on which one I should fix?  Should I fix the
tetex package comes with cygwin? If so, how do I fix that error: "tex
capacity exceeded....".  If the other one is better, anyone had
experience with that pfTex?



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