Thanks for the quick response.

After installing the missing sty files in the pfTex package, I tried my
lyx file. The error is still the same! "Tex Capacity Exceeded...."

So, the same file works ok on linux with tetex perfectly, but won't
work with tetex or pfTex on windows.

Did I misuse any macro? 

Any expert on the differences of tex on windows and latex? Could that
be a lyx problem?


--- Andre Poenitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 29, 2003 at 06:03:32AM -0800, Max Bian wrote:
> > I first tried the tetex package distributed with cygwin. I works on
> > small files. If I throw my thesis on it, it just won't go. The
> errors
> > are something like "tex capacity exceeded....".
> This is often some mis-use of a macro and not due to a real
> limitation.
> (although there are plenty stupid hard coded limits in TeX)
> > Can anyone give me advice on which one I should fix?  Should I fix
> the
> > tetex package comes with cygwin? If so, how do I fix that error:
> "tex
> > capacity exceeded....".  If the other one is better, anyone had
> > experience with that pfTex?
> teTeX is not bad, I've never used pfTeX, so _I_ would try to fix
> teTeX.
> Or your doc. Whatever is broken ;-)
> Andre'
> -- 
> Those who desire to give up Freedom in order to gain Security,
> will not have, nor do they deserve, either one. (T. Jefferson)

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