Jade wrote:
> I have to quote my references on a footnote this way : "author,
> nameofbook, wherepublished, year." (plus a bibliography at the
> end), but the only thing that Lyx can give me is : "[ 1 ]", or
> "[ AuthorYear ]", and produce a biblioraphy at the end.
> The problem is that is human sciences there is no choice, we
> HAVE to use the first way (quote the entire reference eache
> time we mention the book, or the article, in a footnote). 

Try this:

1) use oxford_en as your bibliography style (the second option in
   the Insert/ToC../Bibliography dialog)
2) add to your preamble this macro:

   % % How to make fool of oxford.bst so that it works well even
   % % (supposedly) with LyX.
           \def \temptxt{#1}%
           \ifx \temptxt\empty \footnote{\textcite{#2}}%
           \else \footnote{\textcite[#1]{#2}}%
           \fi }

   % \newsavebox{\OX@falsebox}
   % \renewenvironment{thebibliography}[1]
   %          {\begin{lrbox}{\OX@falsebox}\begin{oldbibliography}{#1}}
   %          {\end{oldbibliography}\end{lrbox}}
           {\setbox\OX@falsebox = \vbox \bgroup
   % end of dealing with oxford.bst

Then everything should more or less work. If you need both
citation in the footnote and bibliography list in the end of the
document (which is reasonable), then do not use anything below
the line (including) \let\oldbibliography....

   Tell us how it works,


Matej Cepl,
Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice; moderation in the
pursuit of justice is no virtue.
    -- Barry Goldwater (actually written by Karl Hess)

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