Ronald Florence schrieb:
I use \renewcommand{\cite}{\footcite} in the preamble with jurabib to
get footnote citations, which endnote.sty puts at the end of the book.
For multiple citations, I need to put the citations inside a footnote,
but \footcite inside a footnote is unacceptable.

How do I define \renewcommand{\cite}{\footcite} to work only when it
is not inside a footnote?  Thanks,

\let\Oldfootnote\footnote \let\Oldcite\cite \let\cite\footcite \renewcommand{\footnote}[1]{% \let\cite\Oldcite% \Oldfootnote{#1}% \let\cite\footcite% }

should do the trick (but never tested)


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