Herbert Voß <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > How do I define \renewcommand{\cite}{\footcite} to work only when it
> > is not inside a footnote?  Thanks,
> \let\Oldfootnote\footnote
> \let\Oldcite\cite
> \let\cite\footcite
> \renewcommand{\footnote}[1]{%
>       \let\cite\Oldcite%
>       \Oldfootnote{#1}%
>       \let\cite\footcite%
> }

Wonderful!  Many thanks.  (It does require that the first full
citation be done inside a footnote, but that's a peculiarity of
jurabib.  Your code works perfectly.)

Ronald Florence                         www.18james.com

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