At 07:02 01.10.2003 +0200, Herbert Voß wrote:

I attached the file. It is working with
and not working with

do not use spaces inside the keywords!


thanks. When I replace spaces by "_" in my example file, {cite} is working. I consider this a real bug within Lyx. It should warn when using spaces if this is not an appropiate syntax for some Latex-macros.
I think it will be a lot of work replacing all spaces with an editor in my lyx-file.

Interesting is that hyperref for example has no problem with these spaces. Is there a general rule, that newer macros or packages can handle spaces?

Though {cite} would work now, it is stopped from working by hyperref, as I see in my example file.
Juergen pointed to
Perhaps natbib with hypernat would work better? Has anyone an idea, whether this will work with spaces in the keywords of my references or not?


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