
I'm writing dissertation using Lyx. So far Lyx seems to be a pleasant thing to work with.
I have a few problems although, they are not complete showstoppers, there is always a way
to get around, but still, they are quite annoying, I wonder if somebody would know any fix.

1) When I use mouse to highlight large hanks of text (bigger than the size of open Lyx window),
scrolling goes too fast, by the time I stop highlighting, I usually go far far away from the place where
I intended to stop. Is there any way to slow down scrolling while highlighting using mouse?

2) I have a separate file for every chapter of my dissertation, also the main file that includes all
the pieces of the dissertation. The cool thing is that when I use dvi-viewer to see whole dissertation, all
chapters appear on the menu bar under "Documents". The problem is that when I do spell checking
for one chapter, then start doing spellchecking for another - Lyx crashes. I have to restart Lyx after
spellchecking of every chapter.

3) "note" is a very useful option. Problem is that sometimes I would like to print a chapter together with the
notes - is it possible to do?

Thank you, I appreciate your help.

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