So if I underatnd you correctly this is more an issue of perception versus functionality. That is to say when you output via pdflatex and it launches say, Acroread or xpdf or Preview in OS X or even KGhostView (supports dvi, ps, eps, pdf) and then you modify the document and select Update output to PDF and it does not reinstantiate that initial view with an updated view like it does in DVI that you think it could be remedied by a different PDF Viewer?

If this is the case, then for me after launching my first view in Acroread on Linux I close that view after reviewing it, edit within LyX and select Update->PDF (pdflatex) and since the application is already running it immediately shows me an updated view.

If I don't close that prior instance it doesn't compare the time stamps of files as a revision history and then opens up a secondary copy or redraws/opens the original document with the updated copy. I believe that is more of an issue with the design of the pdf application reader than it is the limitation of LyX or how pdflatex pipes to pdf.

Maybe I'm wrong here, but I'd like to ask Ron Florence who has on OS X to hook into LyX Qt/Mac to verify whether or not the pdflatex functionality can dynamically update to Preview or not. And if it doesn't it is definitely something that would be available if it were a Cocoa version of LyX since Objective-C is purely dynamic both in type and run-time.


Paul Smith wrote:

Keep in mind that there's an extra conversion step with PDF. When you update the page view using the DVI viewer, LyX writes out a temporary LaTeX file and runs LaTeX against that file. LaTeX produces a DVI file as output, which the viewer then shows. When you view in PDF, the same steps are done, after which a converter program has to convert the DVI to PDF. So the extra delay you perceive may not be due to the use of GSview -- it may be the conversion step,which must be done no matter what viewer you choose.

I understand your argument, Paul. However, I am using pdflatex, which - I think - does not produce any intermediate DVI file. Furthermore, if one updates (using LyX) the output PDF file and wait 5 minutes before going to view the file on GSview, the same delay is perceived.


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