On Oct 18, 2005, at 10:00 AM, Alexander Gahr wrote:

Ok tried this again.

I created a new Lyx file with two words, one was new for apell.

So i entered a name for my personal dict /users/gahr/Documents/test.ispell. Klicked save button.

But after checking adding a new word to personal dic and spellchecking completed there was no file /users/gahr/Documents/test.ispell

So i tried another way and i created manually a new empty text file named it /users/gahr/Documents/test.ispell.
But after checking and adding one word this file still remains empty.

I'm using coco aspell, is this possible that the error is in coco aspell???

It could be. As I've said in another recent post, I've never had luck with cocoAspell since the 2.0 beta came out. I'd recommend aspell itself. For instructions on how to install it, go here: <http://wiki.lyx.org/Mac/MacSpelling>.


I have been using cocoAspell version 1.4.2 with LyX 1.3.5 on OS X 10.3.6.
The personal dictionary file  is ".aspell.english.pws".
Under LyX Preferences I have "aspell" set in the pull down menu, and personal dictionary is blank. I assume that cocoAspell finds the personal dictionary independent of the LyX setting.
Seems to work for me.


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