Hello Nusret,
If we you are willing to help with the development of LyX, there are plenty to do. I suggest that you read some of the lyx-devel archive (try the excellent gname news interface: gmane.editors.lyx.devel). I too would like to have context menu inside lyx but this feature would need some GUI programming. I have started a port to Qt4.1 that will eventually be included in the CVS repository once LyX-1.4.0 is released. With your help, "context menu" may become a reality with LyX-1.5 ;-)

As for right-click and double-click behaviors, I would personally like the following:
- righ-click: context-menu
- ctrl + left-click: select word
- shift + left-click: select sentence.
- alt + left-click: select paragraph
- double-click: I don't care

But one size doesn't fit all so all this should be made configurable.


Nusret BALCI a écrit :
Andre: Thanks a lot, appreciated!
Helge: I'm sorry for I replied to your message to
clarify my question, but inadvertently sent the email
to your account directly instead of the lyx-users
list. My apologies.
I only wanted to change the behavior of my own copy: I
didn't mean a global change to LyX Gui design. I'm not
an expert on GUI design, but I basicly like standard
windows behavior. I know and respect that not
everybody feels that way. I thought I can modify my
copy with some guidance though, as I think I have
enough programming skills.
I already intensively use the shortcuts for math stuff
(the main reason for me to use LyX), but especially
for select-copy-paste stuff, a context menu is so
convenient IMHO.
Regards and thanks again. Sincerely,


--- Andre Poenitz

On Wed, Jan 25, 2006 at 11:44:15AM +0100, Helge
Hafting wrote:
Be aware that lyx runs on other platforms than
where double-clicks aren't used much.  Not having
clicks is a good thing, because they are bad user
Double-clicks fail too easily, is a lost cause for
the handicapped,
and makes mouse-related hand problems worse.
must be done fast, a single click have no time
He was asking for advice where he can change that in
his own copy.
That'd be in src/mathed/math_nestinset,


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