Julio Rojas wrote:
Thanx Paul, but after I did what you suggested and reconfigured LyX
the following message is presented when I opened my document:

Textclass error
The document uses a missong TeX class book
LyX will not be able to produce output

I'm using OS X 10.4.5 and the application I use to view PDF's is the
Preview tool of OS X

Thanx for your help.

The new error message has nothing to do with your PDF viewer -- LyX cannot run latex (or pdflatex) against the document because it cannot find the book class (which the document apparently uses). Take a look at Help->LaTeX Configuration. First note the date (third line) and make sure it conforms to the date you most recently reconfigured LyX. Then scroll down to section 3.3 and see if it says 'yes' or 'no' for having found the book class. (Based on the error message, it is likely to say 'no'.) If it says 'no', make sure you have the book class installed in your LaTeX setup. If you do, try regenerating your LaTeX file directory, then reconfigure LyX again (and restart LyX).


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