On Monday 26 June 2006 05:52 pm, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>>>> "Steve" == Steve Litt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Steve> So I officially withdraw my objections to qt. I've been using
> Steve> it the past several months, thinking it was Xforms, and liking
> Steve> it just fine.
> :)
> If you ever upgrade to 1.4, you will find that the display is
> significantly slower with qt (for a reason we do not really
> understand). The old xforms version is still ugly, but snappy.

Do I need to recompile to switch to Xforms?


Steve Litt
   * Universal Troubleshooting Process courseware
   * Troubleshooting Techniques of the Successful Technologist
   * Manager's Guide to Technical Troubleshooting
   * Twenty Eight Tales of Troubleshooting
   * Rapid Learning: Secret Weapon of the Successful Technologist


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