Use your file-search tool to find alpha.bst. Or try "kpsewhich alpha.bst". You can put your bst files in roughly the same place and then run texhash, or whatever the equivalent "update the tex directory structure" command is on the Mac. Even better is to create a local tex directory structure under your home directory and put such files there. In my case, those files are at /home/rgheck/texmf/bibtex/bst/base/. Exactly where your local tree should be is determined by texmf.cnf. (Again, find this using kpsewhich or your file-find tool.) That file defines a variable HOMETEXMF, which in my case is $HOME/texmf. You can of course define it as you wish.

I don't know how to get these to show up in the bibliography listing, or even if that is possible. But you can always get to them manually, using the "browse" button.


Bruce Pourciau wrote:
Thanks to Charles for the site below. Suppose the journal I'm submitting to uses a BibTeX style file (elsart-harv.bst) that can be downloaded from their site. Where (in LyX/Mac 1.4.1) exactly do I put this file and then do I have to do anything else to get that style file to show up in the drop-down list of styles in LyX? (I have been unable to find even the existing .bst files that must have come with my TeX installation.)


On Jul 10, 2006, at 12:04 PM, Charles de Miramon wrote:

LB wrote:

I agree. That's a great idea.


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