On Sat, 15 Jul 2006, Rich Shepard wrote:

On Sat, 15 Jul 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Juergen has written the page http://wiki.lyx.org/FAQ/Pronunciation that
explains a bit about how "LyX" is pronounced. We are however missing sound
files that examplify how different people, users and developers, actually
pronounce the word.

 Having a slow weekend, are we Christian?

I wish.. catching up on on >1200 posts on various lists is a bit tough... my eyes are probably square right now. Shouldn't complain though... that's what you get after two weeks vacation :-)

 When geeks can't get dates ...

Sort of true actually, as my girlfriend went off on her own today [*] I've spent the rest of the day doing mail. Now I'm finally done!

Anyway, I'm certainly a geek since I actually look forward to using the next 2-3 days trying to fix some wiki-related stuff. Perhaps re-organizing and/or structuring the FAQ pages. It's been a while since I had time for hobbies.

The pronounciation bit is pretty interesting though...

I suspect that the sound snippet where Linus Torvalds pronounces "linux" helped promote linux quite a bit...

It is also interesting how you Americans usually can't hear the difference between the vowel sound Swedes/Norwegians make when pronouncing "LyX" compared to eg "licks".


[* ] The advantage with a long vacation is that first you can go away with your significant other and then you can also get some playtime on your own. In a few days I'll be off to see Vienna and Innsbruck in Austria :-)

Now, let me think... in the US you typically have... what.. two weeks?


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44               http://www.md.kth.se/~chr

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