Paul A. Rubin wrote:
Hi all,

I'm revising the amsart, amsart-plain, amsart-seq and amsbook layouts, and there are a few oddities that need to be reconciled. Mostly I'm making choices capriciously :-), but this is something I thought I would put to a vote.

The following numbered environments exist in all but amsart-plain:

Theorem; Corollary; Lemma; Proposition; Conjecture; Criterion; Algorithm; Axiom; Definition; Example; Condition; Problem; Exercise; Remark; Note; Notation; Claim; Summary (yes it's numbered, don't ask me why); Acknowledgement; Case; Conclusion; Fact; Assumption (I added that last one).

I don't think I am to blame for Summary, maybe Jean-Marc. He modified thexse enviromnents a lot from my original hack.

In the standard AMS layout, all these but one are numbered within sections, consecutively using a single counter (so that, for instance, if a lemma appears in section 3 after theorem 12, it's Lemma 3.13). The oddball is Case, which is not numbered by section, and has its own counter separate from the other items (so that if Lemma 3.13 is followed by the second case overall, it's Case 2).

I am trying to remember why I did that. I do remember that that was a "special case" for some reason. I have been trying to read through the documentation of the amslatex package to find that, but I have changed computers since then, and don't seem to have the documentation of this. But you are right, it is an oddball thing.

But cases is an oddball thing. You use this in the midst of a proof. Case 1, case 2, etc. You know, like:

Case 1;  x>0

Case 2;  x< 0
blah, blah

Case 3:  x=0

So having cases have the same numbering as theorem environments is wrong. It would be better to reset the numbering automatically after each proof environment. What I do in practice is to reset the numbering when needed -- although I don't recall how I did that now. Maybe a simple \setcounter{cases}{0} would work...??

I don't know why Case should be treated differently from everything else, so in the absence of votes to the contrary I'll merge it into the fold.

I really don't think that is right. Cases isn't really a theorem environment, although it is treated like one in latex.

There was a glitch in recent versions of lyx that did not reset the secondary number from section to section, so if you had 4 theorems in section 1, the first theorem in section 2 would appear on-screen as theorem (2.5). It did not print that way, though. Someone sent me layout files that fixed that (maybe you?), but in any event those changes should be incorporated.


David L. Johnson

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