On 2008-03-20 14:09:17 +0100, Dominik Waßenhoven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

Maksi schrieb:

On 2008-03-19 10:26:51 +0100, Dominik Waßenhoven

Daniel Lohmann schrieb am 19.03.2008:

1) Do you have to change your .bib-files?

Yes, slightly. [...]

I have also switched to biblatex and did have to edit some of my
bibliography entries, e.g. biblatex offers a Library field and I am not
moving all data from “Location” to “Library” as it would otherwise
display in my document and be a mistake.

Huh? AFAIK 'library' is not printed in the standard biblatex styles,
whereas 'location' is the same as 'address' in traditional BibTeX

Yeah, right. Before biblatex I had this field in BibDesk called location and I could not figure what it was meant for so I used it for library data (which library has the book, running numbers and so on) but then learned that the library-field is smarter. So at the moment I am copying the info that used to be in location to library (for every single entry :))

By the way, Dominik, do your custom-styles for biblatex work in LyX as
well (using a TeXLive 2007 distribution, the MacTeX package from
december 2007)?

Sure, I use LyX with them without problems. You just have to load the
style (and some of the additional options, if you like) in the preamble,
that's all.

Nice :)


(btw. how do you translate »shorthand« from the biblatex-manual to German? Siglen? Also ein Siglenverzeichnis (z.B. KrV, KpV usw.?)

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