Maksi schrieb:

> Yeah, right. Before biblatex I had this field in BibDesk called 
> location and I could not figure what it was meant for so I used it for 
> library data (which library has the book, running numbers and so on) 
> but then learned that the library-field is smarter. So at the moment I 
> am copying the info that used to be in location to library (for every 
> single entry :))

You could open your .bib file with a text editor, search for 'location'
and replace it by 'library', that would be easier, I think.

> (btw. how do you translate »shorthand« from the biblatex-manual to 
> German? Siglen? Also ein Siglenverzeichnis (z.B. KrV, KpV usw.?)

Just try with a German document... (c; One shorthand is 'das Sigel' or
'die Sigle', the plural is 'Sigel' or 'Siglen' and a list of shorthands
is 'Sigelverzeichnis'. I think 'Siglenverzeichnis' should also be
possible, but it sounds a little odd to me. biblatex uses
'Sigelverzeichnis' for the list of shorthands or, when the option
abbreviate=true is set (which is the default), just 'Sigel'.


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