On Apr 4, 2008, at 3:19 PM, Joshua Root wrote:
Charlse Darwin wrote:
On Apr 4, 2008, at 2:32 PM, Joshua Root wrote:
% which latex
% port provides /opt/local/bin/latex
/opt/local/bin/latex is provided by: texlive
$ which latex
no latex in ~/WebKit/WebKitTools/Scripts /usr/local/bin ~/Documents/ scripts/ /opt/local/bin /opt/local/sbin /usr/bin /usr/sbin /bin / sbin /bin /sbin /usr/bin /usr/sbin

I think I have it installed already:
$ port installed | grep texlive
  texlive_base @2007_1 (active)
  texlive_texmf-minimal @2007_0 (active)

As I said, latex is provided by the texlive port, which you don't have installed. On my system:

% port installed | grep texlive
  texlive @2007_4 (active)
  texlive_base @2007_1 (active)
  texlive_texmf-full @2007_0 (active)
  texlive_texmf-minimal @2007_0 (active)

`sudo port install texlive +minimal´ did the trick, now:
$ which latex
No error message when I open the file, but still doesn't render the page completely. There patches of coded text and so on.

And also is it possible to use MacTex instead? If so, then how do I get rid of the texlive completely (I don't have enough space on my drive). I doubt if `port uninstall´ will do.

I don't see any reason why MacTeX wouldn't work with the MacPorts- built LyX. If port complains about dependencies when you try to uninstall the texlive* ports, use the -f option.

- Josh

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