Waluyo Adi Siswanto wrote:

I am just using the beamer templete available in LyX 1.5.5, and modify the
content without logos (left top corner and right top corner) that I want.
In preamble I have:

Well, I took a look and I think this would be a bigger pain to do than I initially thought. As best I can tell, there's no easy way to do this in the preamble, so it would require hacking a few style files. I *think* something like the following might work:

1. Copy <TeX root>\tex\latex\beamer\themes\theme\beamerthemeWarsaw.sty to a new file (call it beamerthemeMyWarsaw.sty) in an appropriate place under your localtexmf directory. Change "\useoutertheme{shadow}" to "\useoutertheme{myshadow}".

2. Copy <TeX root>\tex\latex\beamer\themes\outer\beamerouterthemeshadow.sty to a new file (beamerouterthemmyshadow.sty) in the same place under localtexmf. Change the lines

          \rightskip0.3cm plus1fil\leavevmode

to something like

          \rightskip0.3cm plus1fil\leavevmode

3. Put the two logos (mylogo1.png, mylogo2.png, or whatever you call them) in the same directory.

4. Run texhash so that LaTeX can find the new files. (There's no need to reconfigure LyX, but you may need to restart LyX if it was running when you made the change.)

5. Change "\usetheme{Warsaw}" to "\usetheme{MyWarsaw}" in the preamble of your LyX doc.

I'm not sure if the \hfill's are warranted or not, and I'm not positive this will work. You may also need to load the graphicx package in the preamble if you don't have images in the slideshow. (If you insert images in LyX, LyX will load graphicx automatically. I can't recall if beamer loads it or not.)

Again, I haven't tried this myself, so I'm not sure it will work. Good luck.


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