On 24 Mar 2009, rgheck wrote:
> Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
>> Since there seems to be no deb package of lyx 1.6.2 yet for debian, I 
>> wonder whether somebody has used the alien prg for the SuSe rpm 
>> package. Is it recommendable or better to use the source code?
> Once you get used to it, using the source is very easy. In fact, even  
> better, download the 1.6 branch from svn and compile that. Then keep it  
> up to date, recompile it every once in a while, and you'll always have  
> the absolutely latest fixes, without waiting for a new release. Note  
> that since this is branch, fixes only go in when they're regarded as  
> safe---which doesn't of course guarantee that they are, though neither  
> is 1.6.2 guaranteed to be safe, right?
> To do this, make sure you have the toolchain installed: autotools, make,  
> gcc. You'll also need some devel packages, though I'd be surprised if  
> pulling in the devel package for Qt4 wasn't enough to pull in the rest.  
> Then make a directory for the sources and do this:
> # cd /my/src/dir
> # svn co svn://svn.lyx.org/lyx/lyx-devel/branches/BRANCH_1_6_X
> # cd BRANCH_1_6_X
> # ./autogen.sh
> # ./configure --enable-build-type rel --prefix /usr/local
> ---that last is of course optional, but then you won't overwrite the LyX  
> package.
> # make
> # sudo make install
> And there you go. Absolutely up to date.
> Richard

I tried this and it worked well on my desktop. When I tried it on my
laptop it failed, saying it could not find Qt4. Both machines are
running Debian Sid and in both I installed Qt4 in the same way, by
installing libqt4-dev. 

It's not a huge problem since I have the deb package for lyx-1.6.1, but
I'm curious about why there is this difference. I spent a long time
looking at config.log but no illumination dawned.


Anthony Campbell - a...@acampbell.org.uk 
Microsoft-free zone - Using Debian GNU/Linux
http://www.acampbell.org.uk (blog, book reviews, 
and sceptical articles)

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